Vincent de Spoelberch
Executive Director IRIA SA
After graduating in micro-technology engineering at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale of Lausanne, Vincent spent the first five years of his career in commodity trade finance banking at Banque Paribas and UOB in Geneva. In 1996, he moved to oil trading, joining Savas Oil Management SA. Vincent moved back to commodity trade finance in 2000 to become Senior Account Officer at ING in Geneva. Four years later, he joined Litasco, the international marketing and trading company of the Lukoil group, as Credit Risk & Credit Control Manager. Vincent joined IRIA SA in 2006.
Benoit Lecadre
Senior Associate Director
Benoit graduated in Business at the IPAG in Paris in 2005. After training in Abu Dhabi with a provider of technical services to oil companies, Benoit spent the first six years of his career in commodity trade finance at Credit Agricole (Suisse) SA (Account Officer) and then ING (Senior Transactional Manager). In between, Benoit worked as Trade Finance Officer for the oil trader Castor Petroleum limited. Benoit joined IRIA SA in 2011.
Anthony Guerne
Associate Director
Anthony graduated in management and export in Lausanne, holding a Swiss federal degree. After +30 years in the commodities industry through different roles in banking (UBS, Credit Lyonnais, BNP PARIBAS), trading companies (Petrotrade, Mina Group, ED&F Man), consulting and brokers. Anthony joined Iria early 2024 as business developer.
Mark Schulz
Executive Director
Mark graduated in business administration at the Hamburg School of Business Administration in 2000. He started his career at Euler Hermes in Germany in different credit risk underwriting functions. In 2004 he moved to Euler Hermes in Switzerland where he built up the risk underwriting and credit analyst departments. In 2010 he became the Director for Risk, Claims and Collections and Deputy CEO of Euler Hermes Switzerland, overseeing all operations with regards to credit analysis, risk underwriting, and claims management. Mark joined IRIA SA in 2020.
Alessandro Bono
Alessandro graduated in Political Sciences in Italy with a mixed cv focussing on international relations, economics, law. He started his career in Italy in a consumer credit company as personal credit underwriter. Passionate reader, strongly customer-oriented, after a stint at the Aon operations in 2001 Alessandro joined the specialty insurance broker Unia S.r.l. in Italy in 2005 working on Trade Credit and Surety Bonds. Alessandro joined IRIA SA in 2021 with a round experience in domestic and international risk placement, client-facing activities, day-by-day policy and claims management and colleagues training.