Proposal Form/Application Form
Insurers require the insured to complete and sign a Proposal Form (or an Application Form) prior to binding coverage. Proposal Forms must be carefully completed by the insured, and any information provided within or alongside must be true and complete. All information material to the risk - even if not specifically requested in the form itself - must be provided to ensure full disclosure by the insured.
Insurance documentation
The London insurance market adopted in 2007 the Market Reform Contract (MRC) as the standard documentation for all insurance placements in the London market. Unless coverage is placed with a company outside the London market, we will use the MRC as the standard insurance documentation.
While the insured may request the issuance of a formal policy, the MRC itself constitutes sufficient evidence of the contract and contains all the agreements between the insurer and the insured, including the full policy wording.
Binding of cover
Coverage is only bound once all participating insurers have stamped and signed the insurance documentation, without any unresolved subjectivities. We will confirm via email as soon as coverage is bound, attaching a scanned copy of the insurance documentation agreed and signed by the insurers.
Broker Documentation
Shortly after binding cover, we will issue and send you a formal confirmation of coverage (in the form of a Broker’s Cover Note or a Confirmation of Coverage) along with a debit note or invoice for the premium.